Tuesday, 29 May 2012

background information

This is part of two ongoing projects, one being Reconcile: making Blodeuwedd flowers and owl; and the collecting of plant names in English and the Brythonic languages.

 Blodeuwedd, made of flowers by men for a man, transformed and banished to the night as an owl

Some say she should be flowers, I say she needs to be flowers & owl. We know she is owl. Under soft feathers there is brittle winter flora. We name her fully, in all her parts, make all her parts whole. We articulate her unfolding.

The poetry in lists.

I am continually influenced by the domestic, if not in the content of the work, it might be found in the presentation.

Mae hyn yn rhan o ddau brosiect cyfredol; Cysoni yw un: gwneud Blodeuwedd yn flodau ac yn dylluan; a chasglu o enwau planhigion yn Saesneg ac yn yr ieithoedd Brythonaidd.

 Blodeuwedd, wedi ei gwneud of flodau, gan ddynion i ddyn, wedi ei gweddnewid a’I gyrru allan i’r nos fel dylluan.

Mae rhai’n dweud mai blodau ddylai hi fod, ond dw i’n dweud mai blodau a thylluan yw hi. Rydyn ni’n gwybod mai tylluan yw hi. Dan blu meddal, mae planhigion brau’r gaeaf. Gwnawn enwi pob rhan ohoni, a gwneud ei holl rannau’n gyfan. Rhoddwn lais i’w hymagor.

Y farddoniaeth mewn rhestrau.

Caf fy nylanwadu o hyd gan fyd y cartref, os nad yng nghynnwys y gwaith, efallai y ceir hyd i’r dylanwad hwnnw yn y cyflwyniad.

 reconcile /,ri:k¥n,sail/ v.tr 1 Make friendly again after estrangement. 2 (usu. in refl. or passive; foll. by to) make acquiescent or contentedly submissive to (something disagreeable or unwelcome) (was reconciled to failure). 3 settle  (a quarrel etc.). 4 a harmonize; make compatible. b show the the compatibility of by argument or in practice (cannot reconcile your views with the facts)
reconcilement the bringing to agreement things at variance

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